Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Adam vs. the Plague, Round 2: Random Thoughts

This thing's going to be a little scatter brained. Maybe it's the fever delirium making me bounce around, or maybe I have an urge to blog but not a strong enough topic to stretch out to a full post.

Maybe it's the wanting to avoid the pile of Bio 101 papers I'm currently using as a foot rest rather than grading.

Either way, here's some things that have been on my mind.

Number one: for non E-Fed people, I'm probably a little overdue to explain what these "AWOL" posts are. Simply put, AWOL is a character I've run in a type of online competitive writing game called e-fedding e-wrestling for something like a decade now. I got into it initially because I was a professional wrestling fan in high school and it combined my interests, sweaty men hitting each other with blunt objects and writing. However, the death of Eddie Guerrero followed shortly thereafter by Chris Benoit going insane from a combination of post-concussion syndrome and (allegedly) steroid rage and murdering his family and then himself put into sobering focus the fact that the wrestling business slowly but surely kills the entertainers I so admired. Thus, my passion for wrestling sort of flamed out, and e-fedding went with it. Now, however, I'm back into it because it pushes me to keep writing creatively and gives me a deadline so I can't put it off. Also, I still maintain some online friendships with a number of people whose work I greatly respect that are involved in the IWC. That said, even if you aren't a wrestling fan, if you're reading this blog you may actually enjoy some of the promos so maybe give them a glance (I don't know if anybody is. They never have comments, but that's not saying much.) I try to bounce through a number of different styles and formats, and I think some of them are probably an example of some of the best writing I've ever done.

Second: After some...ahem...graphic dreams I had last night and finding myself strangely fascinated by Maggie Gyllenhaal while watching The Dark Knight (yes, I'm aware she was one of the more forgettable characters in the movie. Did you forget the fever delirium? Also she was much better in Stranger Than Fiction and Secretary) today, I'm reminded of just how much I enjoy the female form. There's something about the gentle curves of a woman's body that I just can't get enough of, not just from an attraction standpoint but also from simple aesthetics. Whereas we guys are all blocky, covered with hair (unless you're a tool that waxes or something) and generally unpleasing, women just look more beautiful in general. I don't know how else to put it.

Maybe I'm just lonely. And potentially need to get laid.

Other thoughts: Why is it now, when I've caught the Hiney flu, that I'm suddenly acutely aware of all the things that are probably contaminated around me? It's not a germophobe thing. I just don't want to spread it to other people. That's the kind of guy I am, I guess. As bad as I was feeling yesterday, I felt much worse when I realized that I was contagious when I went into work on Monday and potentially could have gotten a lot of people sick. By contrast, I went over to Mike's place when he had been sick without even a thought to watch some Venture Bros. with him(pro-tip, when you stop being sick sterilize your remote control. Those things are just covered in stuff that makes you sick.)

When going to a doctor's office with a cough (or really for any reason) get the mask, sit off to the side, and whenever people walk past start coughing. You will see looks horror like you've never before seen. Also, if you want to try to pick up chicks, put your mask on, go up to them, and open with "So, I see they let you into the cool mask club too." It might not work, but if nothing else you may brighten the day of somebody who is probably about as far in the dumps as you can get.

No amount of pleading will make your cat let you sleep when she wants food. You just have to bite the bullet, fight through your headache that feels like every hang-over you've ever had rolled into one, and go pour the little beast her food. There is nothing so unreasonable or unmerciful as a hungry kitten.

The Yankees Phillies game is tied through three. However, Philly is getting good contact with the ball while New York is getting pretty much schooled by Lee. I don't like where this is going.

I think that's it for my ranting.

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