Facebook Status: What’s on your mind?
AWOL is angry. All the time.
“Look,” Maya says, walking down the hotel hallway, “I’ll talk to him, alright? I told you I would.”
She lets out an exasperated sigh, looking down at the manicured nails of her left hand, the right currently occupied with holding the cell phone to her ear. “I don’t know what you think I can do. It’s obvious he’s not in his right mind at the moment. I’m not sure how you can be surprised when he does crazy shit every week.”
She rolls her eyes, pressing the button on the elevator. Tapping her foot impatiently, she rocks her head from side to side.
“I understand how important the match is.”
Another exasperated sigh.
“Yes, but I-“
With a ding, the door slides open.
“Look, I’ll talk to him. I’m getting in the elevator. Bye.”
She gives the phone an irritated snap and closes it, stuffing it into a purse. She steps over the brass threshold and onto the maroon carpeting of the elevator, reaching behind her aimlessly to press the button corresponding to the fifteenth floor. As the doors slide shut, she leans back against the rail, a hand over her eyes. Her sigh now seems to come from the soles of her feet, and she shakes her head, clearly at her wit’s end. As the slowly scrolling numbers approach fifteen, she steps up to the door, looking her reflection over in the door. She gives her hair a perfunctory lift and adjusts her dress, pulling it down to highlight her ample chest. As the door opens, her spine straightens and she marches out, clearly on a mission.
Facebook Status: What’s on your mind?
AWOL doesn’t like the person/people he is facing in a match this week on Riot!/The Pay-Per-View/a house show.
She walks down the long hall, one heel pressing down in front of the toes, walking up to the hotel room door. She fishes around in her purse as she walks, eventually coming up with the hotel room keycard. As she finally reaches room 1527, she pauses again, taking another steadying breath, before sliding the key into the lock. As the green light comes on, she turns the handle and steps inside.
The first thing she notices is the temperature. It’s freezing cold in the room, and the air conditioner is blowing away in the background at full blast. The room is completely dark. She blinks for a moment, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the change in illumination from the hall, but in a moment one of the blinds is pushed open. A ray of moonlight drifts in from outside, falling on one half of the face of the biggest, craziest bastard in the industry, AWOL, who is staring out into the sky. The vague, faraway look is gone from his expression, however, replaced with a façade of calm that masks a vague hint of predatory intent glinting behind his eyes. As the door slams home behind Maya, his gaze turns, locking in on her.
“Damage control going well?”
You can hear the smug smile in his voice, though the calm expression on his face doesn’t match it. Maya stammers a moment, evidently caught off her guard.
“I imagine I’ve made your seat uncomfortably hot, this week,” he continues, turning to look back out through the window. “I would apologize, but considering the only reason you even have that seat is a result of exploiting my seeming ‘catatonia’ over the past month, I’m having a difficult time feeling too sorry for you.” As he spoke, he raises his hands to make the air quotation marks, an ironic smile now finally appearing on his face.
“You knew?” she finally answers, nervously shifting back to the door.
“Of course I did,” he answers, waving his hand dismissively. “It suited me to have you take over for a number of reasons. For one, given some of my old bookings, clearly my previous agent was doing a very poor job of representing me. Secondly, it suited me to have someone take care of my affairs for a time to give me time to…consider some things.”
Maya looks relieved, a hesitant smile creeping onto her face. “So, you’re happy with how I’ve done.”
“Oh no, you’re completely incompetent. God, you put me up against Craven and Evans the last two weeks. What did you have in mind for Paranoia, Dink the Clown?” He chuckles at her sudden discomfort. “Oh don’t take it so personally. I didn’t get with you for your abilities as an agent. You’re a stripper, Maya, you have one set of assets, and matchmaking isn’t one of them. I just knew that having tomato cans like I’ve been facing the past several weeks for opponents would give me the chance to work through some things on my own while only having to put out a token effort. I completely phoned it in against Evans, and I expended most of my energy with Craven beating him after the bell had rang.”
“Well, I know they weren’t the highest billings on the card, but-“
“They were shit bookings, and you know it,” he calmly cuts her off. “They were joke matches. They were mid-card filler to give the booking staff enough time to figure out what to do with me, now that Josh Hudson saw fit to remove me from the IWC world title picture because, I don’t know, he was bored or something. But really, none of those things bother me to an extreme. No, Maya, the thing I find truly bothersome is your insistence on anally fucking the memory of what was at one time the greatest stable in IWC/ULW history.”
He releases a disappointed sigh. “The motherfucking empire? Was that your idea? Or did some brain trust at the home office come up with that gem? I say once and I will not repeat myself, the Empire consists of myself and Johnny Kingdom. Now that Johnny has packed up his ball and gone home, the Empire is done. This…group you’ve stuck me with, this idiot Simon Cagero who somehow thinks he has the right to come out to the stage wearing Johnny’s tag team belt and try to lecture me…this is not the Empire. It in no way resembles it, and I am offended that it is besmirching its name. This is not the Empire. This is…the Loose Association of People Who Are Opposed to the Five Star Society and Generation Now. However the LAPWAOFSSGN is a shitty acronym, so I can see why the marketing department made the name change that they did.”
“So, um, are you going to play ball then?” she asks.
“Oh heavens no,” he laughs. He laughs uproariously. He laughs for what seems like hours, body contorting, tears streaming from his eyes, far beyond anything that should be even moderately considered appropriate for the non-joke that preceded it. Almost as quickly, however, the wave of amusement disappears and the completely expressionless calm returns. “There isn’t enough money in the world for me to participate in that abortion.”
She chews the side of her lip. AWOL seems content to stare out the window, waiting for her response, so she ventures forth with a question. “What, uh, what were you working out?”
“Oh, didn’t you know? I’m crazy now Maya. ‘Round the bend, bat-shit crazy. Crazy as a pet raccoon. You can pick your own euphemism, but I’m just completely insane. I’m not sure how you missed it. I’ve been sitting here staring off into space, drooling on myself for a month now. In the ring I’ve been brutalizing opponents, well, more so than usual. I turned on my supposed team mates last week.”
“Not to mention you’re talking to invisible bats that represent repressed elements of your psyche,” comes the voice of the aforementioned bat who is hanging, wings wrapped around his body, from the curtain rack.
“Good point,” AWOL says, nodding in the bat’s direction. Maya looks thoroughly confused, as the bat is clearly not actually there. “Through it all, however, I have finally come to some realizations. Clarity, that’s a word for it, clarity. I’ve found my own personal, inescapable reality. Would you like to know what it is?”
She nods, hesitantly.
“For the longest time, when I came to this place, I was burdened with a fallacious assumption about the nature of the IWC. I labored for a long time, struggling to understand the point of all the madness. Why were we here? Why were we destroying each other week in and week out? Was it for money? Fame? Glory? There are easier and more certain ways to obtain both. Was it for the title? The title is a comical joke right now. Christian Savior literally stole the thing at Two for One Special. Stole it. You understand how ridiculous that is? You do that joke of an angle with some mid-card belt, not the world title. And now they’re dragging Jake Starr here from SCW to try and save a Paranoia main event that clearly was headed for disaster. One can hardly blame them, counting on men like Zero and Porno Lad to carry the biggest show of the year, but it has none the less served only to highlight how much of a disaster the IWC main event has become, which leads one to wonder at what sort of ridiculous paper title the world championship has been allowed to become.”
He shakes his head. “But I digress. I thought it was a fight for honor. I thought for a while that this was an attempt at rescuing this place, building up a good company that would be worth being proud of. Later, I thought that I was going to destroy the IWC. But I was wrong, Maya, and I see that now. I see what this place is really all about now. I see the point. I see everything…”
His voice tails off as he blinks for a moment. Maya looks at the him, finally asking. “What is it? What’s the point?”
He turns, giving her a look as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. “There is no point. None whatsoever. That’s the point, that there isn’t one. This is anarchy, true, unadulterated anarchy. Stength, cunning, power, none of these things matter. The strongest or smartest don’t succeed here. It’s literally random who will succeed on a minute to minute basis, randomness wrapped up in the insanity that drives this place and keeps us coming back again and again when its painfully obvious to everyone who takes the time to look that it ultimately does…not…matter.”
He shakes his head ruefully. “Oh, how I railed against that notion. It’s against the human condition, Maya. We’re a species that craves, that needs order. But to know the truth, that the IWC is the ultimate expression of entropy and chaos, that is to truly invite madness into the mind. And that, that Maya, is what I’ve spent the last few weeks realizing. That is what has brought me here today, and why I feel comfortable telling the IWC management that no, as a matter of fact, I don’t care about the Riot! main event. I don’t care about a hell in a cell match against all of my ‘enemies.’ I am eager and ready to give the entire ownership group a great big middle finger, or compete, as the spirit moves me. And neither will matter to me.”
“What about your-“
“Contract? Money? Future? Don’t you see? They won’t be affected. They won’t fire me. They can’t! I’ve done a million things worse than no-showing a match and not received even a slap on the wrist.”
“So..you’re not going to compete?”
“Or I might. I don’t know. I’ll have to decide.”
He turns back to the window, staring vaguely back off into space.
“Maybe I’ll flip a coin…”
Maya stares at him. Long moments stretch out into even longer minutes, and the Big Crazy Bastard doesn’t move. Finally she turns towards the door. As she reaches for the handle, however, he turns in her direction.
“Get me my match with Generation Now, Maya. Don’t fail me again, or I’m going to have to hurt you.”
She turns, a retort on the tip of her tongue, but he’s resumed his glassy eyed vigil out the window. A moment later she turns, nodding to herself as she walks out of the room.
Facebook Status. What’s on your mind?
AWOL Don’t think that you know me. Don’t think that you understand me. The minute you think you’ve got me figured out? That’s the minute I have you right where I want you.
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