A few weeks back I conducted the first of (hopefully) many Malifaux tournament events at the local gaming store, Gauntlet Games. Titled "Into the Breach," this was to be an introduction to competitive level Malifaux events here in Nebraska. We set the competition level for 35 SS scrap games using the expanded scenario chart and the "only use a scheme one time per tournament" special rule. I didn't really know what to expect in terms of turn-out, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I had 8 players registered at the start and another two that showed up early enough in round 1 I could add them to the fray without disrupting pairings too much. The break-down looked something like this.
So no Guild presence to be seen, since we had an even number and they didn't need me to join in as a ringer. Lawlessness and disorder would be the word of the day, it seems.
Some highlights of the event:
-Discovering that Zoraida is extra unfair in treasure hunt, particularly against a slower crew like McMourning. The Z player snatched the treasure counter and was gone before any of the Doctor's minions had gotten within 12" of the center point. Only ended up a draw in that game due to smart scheme work from Dr. M.'s player and Zoraida forgetting that part of the 4VPs of Treasure Hunt is having the token in hand in her deployment zone at the end of the game.
-Time limits were not as harsh as I initially was worried they would become. Most rounds saw at least 2 of the games completed and the rest at least to turn 4.
-Marcus doesn't suck: the Marcus player performed quite well in the event. He was, of course, somewhat assisted by playing on a large wooded board in two games where his Waldgeists could do some big-time terrain rearrangement.
-The championship game coming down to a game of shared supply wagon on a board with a river and a bridge in the middle, resulting in an epic massacre on the mid-board with both sides scrumming for control of the bridge while Hans and a Friekorps Scout engaged in an epic sniper duel on the outside of the board.
After three rounds of fierce competition the results came in:
1st Place - Friekorpsman
2nd Place - Marcus
3rd Place - Leveticus
Everyone seemed to have a great time, and hopefully we've got some momentum rolling for the next event on 7/30th.
Photos from the Event can be seen here.
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