Monday, May 24, 2010

The Hajny Wedding

Went to catch up with some very old friends this weekend at one of their weddings in Alma, KS. Amanda and Justin Hajny (Justin was the groom) were more or less cousins from or sister of my parents (that sounded better in my head when I was planning it out) and I spent quite a lot of time at their farm over weekends trying desperately not to let on just how much of a shameless city slicker book nerd I was. I hadn't seen either of them in maybe 12 years, which boggles my mind, but not nearly as much as it boggles my mind that little Justin, who in my mind is a scrawny little kid, somehow shot up to be my brother's height in the time since I saw him. During the weekend, in the spirit of the Friar's club, I recorded this mental list.

Signs you're at a country wedding:
1) Your black lab in a pink dress is the ring bearer (this was crazy cute.)
2) The ceremony is drowned out first by men on Harleys cruising past and revving their engines and then finally by a train going through town just as they start the benediction.
3) Guests show up to the reception with their own beer coolers (I was guilty of this.)
4) During the montage of the couple's photos, the pictures of the groom have Hank Jr's "A Country Boy Can Survive" playing underneath.
5) Ruffles potato chips included with the catering.
6) Guest outfits ranging from suits to sleeveless t-shirts and gym shorts.

Congratulations to Justin and his lovely bride Lesa. Looking forward to hanging out and tailgating later this year in Manhattan, hopefully with a slightly better team to watch. Glad I could come and "Shake My Hajny" at your wedding.

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